"Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives."
-Francis Chan
I'm officially done with undergrad. I completed my last exam this morning and now the next step is graduation. Those words bring unexpected tears to my eyes. The goodbyes have been starting & I've been surrounded by a lot of tears, not my own though.
Although, it's starting to hit me.
It is not necessarily a bad thing though, the tears, I mean. Tears are beautiful.
Behind these droplets of tears coming from my eyes are just a collection of the memories I have made over these past years and the joy they have brought me. I have fallen deeply in love with the people who God has brought into my life. He's making it so evident just how perfectly they fit into my life; their spots were designated for only them and for that, I am so thankful.
That spot is theirs forever.
My birthday was yesterday and God showed me His love. It was a relaxed day with just raw, quality time with the two people I love the most, Amy & Liz. Followed by a night that brought friends together, each friend who was specifically selected to be there. They were all I needed, God knew that. Also, cheesy fries were involved, God knew those were needed as well.
Amy and Liz never cease to amaze me. Our friendship just makes sense without making sense. For my birthday, Liz made me this beautiful photo album of my life here at Virginia Tech (adorable, right?) Well, just wait...
This was not just full of photos.
This beautiful woman of mine, had the individuals I love here at Virginia Tech, write a note about a memory or just a note in general to me and paired it with the picture of their choosing.
I have my Virginia Tech experience in one album and it's one of the most meaningful gifts I have ever received. She knows me. She knows that I love words. I love words that speak to me, I love words of meaning, and I love the words that come from the people I care about most. Liz is the epitome of a friend. It is so beautiful how God puts these people in your life. Liz came into my life in high school and we were just those two girls who "knew each other", exchanging nothing more than a smile as we passed one another. When I first met Liz I had zero idea how much she would complete me. Saying she is my best friend is an insult because she's more than that. Who knew those first smiles would lead to a love I never imagined existing.
I also feel this way about Amy. I remember the first time I really saw Amy. It was my sophomore year here at Virginia Tech. I was out to dinner for Valentine's day with my boyfriend at the time. I remember looking over across the restaurant and seeing her, with her boyfriend at the time. I knew who she was but I didn't say anything to her. From that exact moment until now, Amy has become one with my soul. We were both going through a heartbreak at the same time after that first glance and God gave us one another. I would go through any breakup a million times over, knowing Amy would be on the other side, waiting for me. Whatever her soul is made of, hers and mine are the same. I know this. For my birthday, Amy gave me her quote journal. This is a journal she started the semester before we even met; she's compiled her favorite quotes in it. As I read them this morning, I know we are friends for a reason. I can't think of how to put it into words, I just know. She's magic.
There are just people in your life that you know are here for a reason. More than just a reason, for the completion. I believe all people come into your life for a reason, whether it's the nice mailman who brightens your day or the unexpected lover that comes and goes when the timing doesn't make sense.
This year has really taught me this.
It's all coming to a close but it's all starting at the same time.
This next chapter is a chapter I have been looking forward to my whole life.
This is going to be my chapter for:
Travel: Travel to find new souls, discover new places, discover more about God.
Falling in love: I have no idea who you are but just know, I love you already. I cannot wait to meet you and love every flaw and perfection God has created in you.
Loving children: I was designed to be a mother. I know this. I cannot wait to do that with children of shared DNA but also of non-shared DNA.
Growing older and wiser: God has trials and tribulations ahead of me, I'm excited to dive into them, holding His hand.
God is in control but He's also letting me ride shot gun. I'm excited for the adventures to come.
Thanks for being a part in my story.
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